Ghet Investing

INVESTING AS A COUPLE; how to leverage EACH other's strengths

Kacia and Seena Ghetmiri

There’s no doubt that if you’re in a relationship— there’s going to be some conversations that simply need to be had to get both partners on the same page with the big vision and understanding each other's roles and interests so we’re diving into ALL of that today. We don’t believe both partners don't have to be actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the business ( we actually aren’t both involves in the day to day) but in today’s episode we’re sharing how support can come in various forms and the roles and dynamics may evolve over time as the real estate journey progresses. Our intent with this episode will be to help open up the conversation with your significant other and see how within your unique dynamic you can be best set up for success not just in your investing journey but in your RELATIONSHIP along the way too! 

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